Attack on Titan vs Soulcalibur III
Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan , based on the infamously-gruesome anime, is an epic action-adventure game with a battle between man-eating titans and humans.Playing as Eren, you and your skilled friends have to attack and defeat the titans in a hack and slash combat system in order to ensure the survival of mankind. The iconic omni-directional movement system in the game allows the players to fly across and above the battlegrounds and strike the huge titans where it hurts the most. With stunning visuals and exciting attacking moves, you will never get bored of this game.
Sounds like fun? Well, wield your blades and defeat the titans in this exciting action anime game, Attack on Titan!
Soulcalibur III
Soulcalibur III is set once more in the year 1591, the Azure Nightmare once more stalks the land as Xianghua has failed to finally destroy the sword. Unbeknownst to all Raphael has stalked the knight and in a raging battle Soul Edge is damaged and both swords are now linked as the Embrace of Souls, and Siegfried is on a quest to put an end to the evil once and for all, but dark shadows lurk and everyone is chasing the legendary swords for their own reasons.With a whole new story mode, where you create your own character and join an adventure there is much more to do in this new expansion. Unlock the ultimate weapons for most characters and enjoy a brilliant solo adventure. Throw in the 24 character roster and you have a huge game with lots of fun, and battles to be had.