A Dark Room vs Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
A Dark Room
A Dark Room is a text-based, story-rich and a very intriguing RPG that has taken the world by storm mainly because the impressive depths it provides with minimalistic resources (i.e. texts). Although you start off the game simply stoking a fire, the game eventually adds in other elements such as resources (wood, obviously) in which you use to stoke your fire with as well as the other characters who will want to share the warmth of your bonfire and eventually, once they are feeling better, help you to the best of their abilities. The game also allows you to travel to different locations, such as the Silent Forest, to gather wood or check traps.In many ways, A Dark Room may remind the older gamers of the time when the internet has not really gone mainstream yet. These are the sort of fun story-based games that are circulating around back then. If you enjoy a good story, this is a game you'll want to play. It's completely free after all!
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a beautiful, anime-inspired action-adventure RPG that lets you follow the story and journey of a young boy named Oliver, who ventures into a parallel world in an attempt to save his mother. He makes some new friends along the way; friends who would help him battle the dangerous creatures he encounters. The battles in this game feels intuitive and dynamic, mainly because you can easily switch between characters and familiars and partly because of a combat system that combines real-time and turn-based mechanics.Ni No Kuni manages to catch the limelight back when it was first released mainly because of its masterful storytelling, well-packed into a fun and gorgeous role-playing adventure. By playing this game, you'll actually be able to immerse yourself in the world that Oliver finds himself in and relate to his struggles as he tries to do what's right to save his mother.