Attack on Titan vs Kindergarten
Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan , based on the infamously-gruesome anime, is an epic action-adventure game with a battle between man-eating titans and humans.Playing as Eren, you and your skilled friends have to attack and defeat the titans in a hack and slash combat system in order to ensure the survival of mankind. The iconic omni-directional movement system in the game allows the players to fly across and above the battlegrounds and strike the huge titans where it hurts the most. With stunning visuals and exciting attacking moves, you will never get bored of this game.
Sounds like fun? Well, wield your blades and defeat the titans in this exciting action anime game, Attack on Titan!
Kindergarten aims to bring you back to the time when you're in kindergarten doing what kindergarteners always do... in addition to the learning, of course. The game is designed more like a puzzle-adventure game rather than a straight-up adventure, since there will be plenty of creeping around the grown-ups as you try to figure out what caused the many things that happened in your kindergarten, including the case of a missing classmate, the janitor cleaning up blood, a teacher who dreads being in the same room as a bunch of kindergarteners, and generally a kindergarten that just feels a bit off.The game is as whimsical as it is entertaining, and for a game in a rather uncharted territory, it ended up feeling like the sort of game that many players regardless of age would love. After all, who hasn't been to a kindergarten to know what it is like, right?