Attack on Titan vs Monster Hunter
Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan , based on the infamously-gruesome anime, is an epic action-adventure game with a battle between man-eating titans and humans.Playing as Eren, you and your skilled friends have to attack and defeat the titans in a hack and slash combat system in order to ensure the survival of mankind. The iconic omni-directional movement system in the game allows the players to fly across and above the battlegrounds and strike the huge titans where it hurts the most. With stunning visuals and exciting attacking moves, you will never get bored of this game.
Sounds like fun? Well, wield your blades and defeat the titans in this exciting action anime game, Attack on Titan!
Monster Hunter
Monster Hunter is the very first of a successful monster-hunting RPG that sees you venturing out into a fantastical world filled with massive monsters and creatures to slay. There are plenty of quests in this game ranging from protecting a town from invading monsters or collecting quest items for an NPC. As you level up, you'll gain access to far more destructive weapons and skills, all of which can be further upgraded. Best yet you can play this game in single-player or cooperatively (online multiplayer) with up to three other friends.Monster Hunter turns the usual "kill x monsters" that you frequently encounter in MMORPGs into a truly challenging task, giving you the sort of elation that comes when you've successfully (and possibly barely) slain a boss and apply it to every battle encounter in this game.