Attack on Titan 2 , the second installment based on the infamous anime, is an action-packed thrilling adventure with exciting game modes.
With over 30 unique game characters, players get to customize their hero’s look with a variety of options. The attack system in the game is fast-paced and omnidirectional including jaw-dropping acrobatic moves and lethal skills. Players can enjoy an epic story mode or compete with each other in multiplayer gameplay including 4 vs 4 as well as co-op battles. A town mode is also available that will enable players to develop relationships between game characters and research new technology and skills for improved combat experience.
Whether you are a fan of the anime or not, Attack on Titan 2 will keep you entertained with its amazing action-adventure gameplay. AnimeFantasy
Rune Factory 4 is the latest installment (which came out 4 years ago) from the main Rune Factory game franchise. In this game, you can play as whoever you like, be it governing as a prince or a princess, a daring adventurer or a simple farmer. Cultivate the land and fill it with a wide variety of crops, go fishing, or fight monsters in the game's many trapped dungeons. Like the previous games, you can recruit local townsfolk and even befriended wild monsters to help you with your farm or even to join your adventuring team so you'll have some extra help when you're fighting hostile monsters. You can even fall in love, get married and have a virtual child of your own! With whole new adventures, storylines and characters, Rune Factory is designed to appeal to beginners and veterans of the game alike.AnimeFarmAnimalsFishingFamilyFantasy