Grand Fantasia is an anime-based MMO game that has an amazing and intricate sprite companion system. This sprite system is woven so flawlessly into the fabric of the game that it is impossible to play the game without the adorable, tamagotchi-like sprites. The game also provides up to a total of 8 different and specialized character classes, a huge world for you to explore as well as plenty of challenging dungeons and PvP events for you to participate in. You can even get married in this game! Despite being a very generic MMORPG, if you do not take in account of the sprites, of course, Grand Fantasia is still a very solid and enjoyable MMORPG game. So, download it today and try it out yourself!AnimePvPPetsFantasy
Shaiya may be a dated MMORPG with some old-looking graphics, but the gameplay the game has to offer is rather unique. Questing can be pretty fun albeit a bit grindy, while the PvE and PvP aspects of the game are pretty well-done (as in “fun and challenging”). There are also plenty of random events to keep things interesting in the game such as the battleground call-to-arms. For those crazy fellas who can’t resist a challenge, there’s even the ultimate mode that you can enjoy. So, it doesn’t matter if you do it out of curiosity or out of nostalgia, but be sure to check out this incredibly timeless game, Shaiya! PvPFantasy