Kings of War is an MMO game that has an intriguing blend of elements from both RPG and strategy. Set in, presumably, a fictionalized version of ancient Greece, you’ll play as a general who is embroiled in the conflict between the three major warring factions, Sparta, Thebes and Athens. The game will have you recruit the best heroes to led your battalions, develop your city so that it’s prosperous, and conquer rival territories. If you do well, you might even rise up the ranks and end up being crowned as King of the faction you’ve fought for!PvPEmpire Building
Travian Kingdoms is the next expansion of Travian's flagship game of the same name, Travian. Playable on your browser or mobile devices, the game puts you in charge of a fledgling kingdom during ancient times, allowing you to shape it into the formidable empire that you know it could be. Use your leadership and diplomatic skills to help your kingdom to grow and expand your nation's influence. Coordinate with your fellow allies to seize control of crucial resources and territories or even various Wonders of the World. Only the strongest kingdoms will survive the bitter rivalry in Travian Kingdoms... will your kingdom be among the handful of victors? PvPMedievalFantasyEmpire Building