Attack on Titan , based on the infamously-gruesome anime, is an epic action-adventure game with a battle between man-eating titans and humans.
Playing as Eren, you and your skilled friends have to attack and defeat the titans in a hack and slash combat system in order to ensure the survival of mankind. The iconic omni-directional movement system in the game allows the players to fly across and above the battlegrounds and strike the huge titans where it hurts the most. With stunning visuals and exciting attacking moves, you will never get bored of this game.
Sounds like fun? Well, wield your blades and defeat the titans in this exciting action anime game, Attack on Titan!AnimeFantasy
Undermaster , developed by Upjers, is a well-made dungeon-building simulation game where you are allowed to create your own underground lair and fill it with every type of monsters imaginable. Create different rooms to attract different monsters to your “Team Evil” and carry out research to unlock new features in the game. Don’t forget to decorate your dungeon with items that display your power, wealth and glory, so that monsters will flock to join your cause in droves. With more and more monsters under your command, it will definitely be much easier to bring all your evil plans to fruition! Sounds like a whole lot of fun? Well, sign up now and play Undermaster today! DemonsFantasyBuilding