Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 is the sequel to the first of the series and once more use a variety of Mechina from the entire universe. Now you have a new story to play through, one unique to the game and there are 66 different robots that you can use in the game. You have the hack and slash gameplay from the series, now with an improved AI and tough new bosses called Mobile Armors to defeat. There is also a free mode and the ability to blend any pilot and mech combo you wish to get the best out of each mission.
There are 2 main modes to the game, one a 4 player option where you can group up and the other is the unique story where you decide what happens with your actions. With a huge variety of tactical combinations that can make the difference in the battlefield, Work with your friends to defeat bigger enemies and discover a huge range of mecha to play with. Hack and SlashCo-opMultiplayerFantasyRobots
TERA offers a very refreshing new take on the art of combat that is so much more fluid! It places a lot of focus on dodging and avoiding damage, especially if you would like to survive the encounter. However, due to this very uniqueness, the learning curve in the game can be pretty steep and its PvP events can be extremely challenging. The other aspects of the game are rather uninspiring though, with the exception of its truly special in-game election system which appoints players into positions of power, called Vanarchs. There are also cool mounts, amazing costumes and adorable pets that you can collect, whereby most of them can be obtained in the cash shop. There is no pay-to-win element in this game though and is an excellent game to try out, particularly if you love games like Raiderz! So, don’t wait - Download it today!PvPFantasy