Kings of War vs Wargame 1942
Kings of War
Kings of War is an MMO game that has an intriguing blend of elements from both RPG and strategy. Set in, presumably, a fictionalized version of ancient Greece, you’ll play as a general who is embroiled in the conflict between the three major warring factions, Sparta, Thebes and Athens. The game will have you recruit the best heroes to led your battalions, develop your city so that it’s prosperous, and conquer rival territories. If you do well, you might even rise up the ranks and end up being crowned as King of the faction you’ve fought for!Wargame 1942
Wargame 1942 is an MMORTS that allows you to influence the fate of the world by joining, albeit virtually, the Second World War. Set up a strong economy to support your military operations and mobilize your troops to defend your country from hostile invasions. You can generate money passively via factories and residential buildings and money can then be used to obtain ammunition from ammunition facilities, and crude oil that can then be refined into gasoline or diesel, as well as to carry out intelligence missions. There are also a ton of units you can recruit and upgrade as well as branches on the tech tree to unlock.Due to its intricacies, Wargame 1942 may not be an easy game to get into, but with wise decisions and strategic fleet deployments, you’ll stand a chance to take over the entire map and be one of the most revered yet feared leaders!